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Real Estate Agents use CurbAppeal to improve their bottom line by transforming any property into a vision for the buyer. Its simple and very effective. But, it’s not just for buyers. Helping sellers understand how “de-cluttering” and a fresh coat of paint will help the sale process makes this the indispensable tool for real estate professionals.

Agents can quickly demonstrate how, in some cases, modest alterations can dramatically change the look and saleability of a property.  Don’t confuse CurbAppeal with other image alteration software. This is the only popularly priced tool that can dramatically and photo realistically alter Exteriors, Interiors and Landscaping. With a categorized library of thousands of high resolution images changes can be made with the click of the mouse.

CurbAppeal is a must have tool and at only $149 it is within every Agent’s budget. Check some of the ways in which savvy Agent’s are using this incredible tool.


Show Buyers The Vision – Quickly demonstrate to buyers’ the vision or potential of any property. Take a photo of the existing home and then use CurbAppeal to uncover its true potential.

You accomplish this while standing with the buyer to address concerns or preferences about the home’s appearance.

Show Buyers Some Options

“Road Map” For Buyers – Provide a road map of alterations by simply identifying the products that were used to transform the property. Each image in the library can contain user defined specifics of the object or texture used in the transformation.

Right clicking any part of the altered image brings the product details which can be quickly summarized as shown in the example below.

Example Buyer Road Map

Customize The Libraries – Add your own digital images to the libraries. Contacting local retailers of home products (exterior, interior, landscaping) is an easy way to add images of their products in your library.

Its a great way for them to get increased exposure and for you to build important local relationships.

Custom Libraries

Add New Listings -Amaze sellers and dramatically increase listings! Take your laptop or tablet to your next listing presentation. Spend a few minutes demonstrating CurbAppeal’s capabilities and how, using this tool, you are able to maximize the selling price by customizing the appearance of the seller’s home.

Emphasize that the customization can be done so as to the meet the requirements of every single buyer.


Amaze Sellers

Brand Altered Photos -Transformed photos are easily branded with your name, contact info, taglines, etc. You can print, email or upload the image to the web.

Remember, you want to show the real and often hidden value of the home while the buyer is looking at it; not to try to market the photo realistic image long distance to an unsuspecting buyer. That’s both unethical and self defeating.


Brand Altered Photos

CurbAppeal Home Improvement Program – Our free Home Improvement Program allows real estate professionals to receive important information regarding various types of home improvements that a client may be considering.

This information includes data on average costs and how the type of improvement, on average, impacts selling price.

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